A-Z Color is awarded again in the "Well Seen Company" competition

On November 24, the official finale of the 14th edition of the "Well Seen Company" competition took place.
The purpose of the competition is to promote companies that conduct socially responsible business and to spread knowledge about corporate social responsibility.
The title "Well Seen Company" can be awarded to any member of the Business Centre Club - a private company, a state-owned company or its branch. It can be a small, medium or large company. The competition has a nationwide scope.
This year's edition of the competition was held under the patronage of Marlena Maląg, Minister of Labor and Social Policy, and Professor Piotr Wachowiak, Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics.
The elements to be assessed are:
- the developed and implemented strategy for ESG and CSR activities,
- the effectiveness and methods of the company's internal and external communication on the subject,
- the company's policy toward employees, including compliance with the principles of gender equality,
- and adherence to the rules of corporate social responsibility in the fields of ecology, market and charity.
A-Z Color Printing House participated in the competition for the second time, and became a Laureate for the second time. This proves that our policy is in line with ESG and CSR standards, and that our actions towards the environment, society and business are of the highest level.